Monday 21 May 2012

Purple Primrose May Newsletter and Upcoming Events

Hello Dear People,
I hope that all is well in your world and that you have enjoyed the marvellous weather we have had this weekend. I am just surfacing from a time of intense family/ancestral and personal healing as well as a period of extreme busy-ness. I feel as though finally I can come up for air - very appropriate as we have just entered into the air sign of Gemini..........
On Sunday, May 20, 2012 at 11:48pm  we entered the New Moon phase in Gemini.
Each New Moon is a time of new beginnings. It’s a time of planting seeds of what we want to accomplish during the coming month. With each New Moon we pass through an astrological sign whose characteristics influence us.When the moon is in Gemini people become restless and desire change. Gemini is an “air” sign, so let the winds of change carry you forward. There is a heightened need for communication, and a sense of intensified activity. This may show up in the form of nervousness, talkativeness, or increased physical activity. The additional stimulation may help you break through road blocks or create distractions.It’s a good time to take a walk, garden, or meditate to keep yourself grounded. This in turn will help you harness the flighty, air energy into something manageable. Perhaps the energy inspires a slight shift in your perceptions, opening paths you never believed were possible.It may be a difficult time to work a project through to the end. The progress you made during the last lunar cycle slows down during this month. Be patient with yourself. Allow time to “float” on a cloud of curiosity and dream
(courtesy of

I have been busy planning a number of workshops and ceremonies which are detailed below.

Complementary Health Fayre
I shall be taking a stall at the Complementary Health Fayre in West Kilbride this coming weekend, 26th and 27th May which is being held at the Village Hall in West Kilbride from 10.30 - 5.30pm on Saturday and 12 - 5pm on Sunday. Entry is only £2 so if you fancy a day out by the sea while the weather is so wonderful pop in and see us. There will be lots of stalls and free talks on both days.

Triple Helix Energy Healing Triple Helix has been restructured to make the workshops more accessible in terms of time and financial restraints. You can just do Triple Helix 1 as a standalone workshop or you can do them all over time as and when it suits you. Triple Helix 1 is the foundation for the other workshops as it teaches you the basics of the Triple Helix method. 

If you just wish to use Triple Helix for yourself then you can do Triple Helix 1 & 3 without the need to do workshops 2 & 4 which are designed for using the techniques on others.

Should you wish to advance to becoming a certified Triple Helix practitioner then it is necessary to complete all 4 workshops/8 evenings plus the associated case studies and practical session requirements. Please see below an overview of contents for each workshop:

Triple Helix 1 - Energy Tools of Transformation and Healing for you
Triple Helix 1 provides an introduction into energy healing and vibrational medicine. It includes using breath as a healing tool; how to perceive energy and use it as a healing tool; how your thoughts affect your emotions and how to transmute fearful thoughts and manage your emotions. It provides an introduction into the auric field and the chakras; how to use colour in relation to the chakra system as a healing tool; an introduction to sound as a healing tool and how to balance the chakras using sound. This workshop is designed for you to use the tools on yourself and is the foundation for the Triple Helix 2,3 &4 workshops. 

Originally designed as a one day workshop it is now being offered in 2 parts over 2 evenings: Part 1 -19th June and Part 2 -26th June - 6.00 -9.30pm

Triple Helix 3 - Know your energy systems to create balance and harmony in your life
This workshop provides information about the systems I work with in Triple Helix healing and how I use the chakra map as a tool in healing and consultation. The workshop provides information on the 4 energy bodies of the aura; how to find energy blocks in your aura and how to clear them. The chakra system is looked at detail in connection with the body, glands and emotions. Tools are given to use chakras as a map for problems in the body and emotions and vice versa and how to recognise imbalances in your system. We explore the importance of the pineal gland, the effects of calcification and tools to help decalcify your pineal gland. We learn about the masculine and feminine properties within us and how to bring them into balance. Guidelines will also be given on how to live a balanced life. This is a workshop that is designed for you to use for better management of your energy system and how to create harmony in your life. These tools can be used in conjunction with the techniques taught in Triple Helix workshops 1, 2 & 4 and any other forms of healing. 

Originally designed as a one day workshop it is now being offered in 2 parts over 2 evenings: Part 1 -3rd July and Part 2 -10th July - 6.00 - 10.00 pm

Triple Helix 2 - Energy tools of Transformationand Healing to use on others
This is a highly practical workshop. It provides the tools for using the Triple Helix healing method on your friends and family. The workshop teaches you the hand positions most beneficial for using this method of healing as well as giving guidelines on healing specific conditions. It shows you how to alter posture/realign bones using a light touch and breathing techniques. You will be given tools to enhance the effectiveness of the healing energy. Guidelines are given for emotional healing. You will learn how to balance and use healing energy and sound when working on other  people’s chakras and how to use Triple Helix as a distant healing tool. Triple Helix 2 is a prerequisite for workshop 4.

Originally designed as a one day workshop it is now being offered in 2 parts over 2 evenings: Part 1 -17th July and Part 2 -24th July - 6.00 - 9.30 pm 

Triple Helix 4 - Enhanced Energy Healing Tools for you and others
Triple Helix 4 is the conclusion of the series of Triple Helix workshops. It is designed for those who wish to learn more powerful ways of working with the Triple Helix energy healing method and for those who wish to advance to becoming a certified Triple Helix practitioner. This workshop teaches new techniques to work with in order to enhance the effective of your healing work. It builds upon the tools given in Triple Helix 1, 2 & 3 including working in the auric field, physical and emotional issues and emotional blocks; clearing and balancing the chakras; working with the triple helix symbol and more. An overview will be given of what ‘health’ is and the ethics to be followed as a healing practitioner.

Originally designed as a one day workshop it is now being offered in 2 parts over 2 evenings: Part 1 -31st July and Part 2 -7th August - 6.00 - 9.30 pm 

All Triple Helix workshops are currently being offered at a reduced price of £35 per evening (i.e. £70 per workshop). A deposit of £20 is payable to secure your place. Booking in advance essential as spaces are limited to 6 people per workshop.

Shamanic Initiation Ceremonies
I am also running another series of the Munay Ki Nine Rites ceremonies which start at the beginning of June. It is preferred that the Rites are received in order and therefore it would be necessary to attend the Foundation Rites ceremony before receiving the remaining Rites.

The rites of the Munay-Ki are based on initiatory practices of the Inka and pre-Inka shamans of the Andes and the Amazon. The Inkas are the wisdom keepers who bring us not only the prophecies but also the processes. The processes relate to the transmissions of the energy that is going to help us align with who we are becoming, the new race that is not just the homo sapiens but the homo luminous These processes are known as Karpay, the great rites of passage. The Karpay connect the person to an ancient lineage of knowledge and power. This power can ultimately provide the fuel for an individual to leap into the body of an Inca, a luminous one, someone who is directly connected to the source that fuels stars. The Q’ero believe that a person who completes the cycle of ceremony of the Karpay is able to emerge into the fifth Sun, similar to the Hopi prophecies of emerging into the fifth world. They can become the Luminous One, also known as ‘Man (or Woman) who walks in Peace.’ 

Ceremony 1 – Foundation Rites – Bands of Power/Healer’s Rite/Harmony Rite/Seer’s Rite - Tuesday 5th June - 5.30-10.30pm
Ceremony 2 – Lineage Rites – Daykeeper’s Rite/Wisdomkeeper’s Rite/Earthkeeper’s Rite - Monday 2nd July - 6-10pm
Ceremony 3 – Rites to Come – Starkeeper’s Rite/Creator Rite - Monday 30th July - 6-10pm

I offer the Rites in ceremony on an energy exchange/donation basis in accordance with the Andean tradition of ayni (reciprocation) . The guideline/suggested donation is £20 or whatever you can afford. Please contact me to reserve a space as again these are limited to 6 people.

I hope to see you soon for a private session, at the fayre or for one of the above events.

Wishing you much joy and harmony,

Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often

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