Thursday 5 April 2012

Purple Primrose April/Easter Newsletter

Whether or not you celebrate Easter as a tradition, religious or otherwise, this is a time of new beginnings. In the Christian tradition Jesus arises from the dead and achieves ascension/resurrection and in pagan traditions this is a time of fertility represented by the egg, new life.  The Easter egg is often said to be a symbol of Eostre and this 'fact' is used as 'evidence' that Eostre was a fertility goddess. According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, "Because the use of eggs was forbidden during Lent, they were brought to the table on Easter Day, coloured red to symbolize the Easter joy.

This theme, is reflected in the April Energy report from Lee Harris this month which refers to the end of the cycles of death that we may have been experiencing in our lives in recent months. The link to the report can be found at the end of this newsletter.

If this all isn't enough we have the Full Moon on 6th April a time of Completion, Resolution, Heightened Emotion and often, the fulfillment of seeds we planted at the New Moon. "Stuff" comes to light, under the light of the Full Moon - emotional material and events in life that trigger an emotional need or response. With every 'death' or 'completion' follows a new beginning.

The full moon can have a multitude of effects on us and for me I find I become more nocturnal leading up to the full moon and an inability to get to sleep so here I am coming up to midnight writing this for you.

You may have found, that there has been a prolonging of the need for hibernation. Since the New Moon on 22nd March we have been in a period of heightened energetic activity but also due to planetary aspects it has been a time to go within. I was lucky enough to spend this time in Malta following a spiritual calling, visiting and connecting with the sacred sites there and taking the opportunity to do some deep personal healing work. I as much as many of you am experiencing the challenges referred to in Lee's forecast, it is very easy to be thrown off balance in these times of energetic turmoil and it may seem like you are the only one feeling like you do. Rest assured that you are not alone. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that part of my service to humanity or part of my soul purpose is to provide support to others, be that as a friend, healing or as a sounding board. Please therefore feel free to contact me by phone or email if you are needing support with any life issues at this time.

I shall be offering more ceremonies, workshops and events once May arrives in line with the change in energies that we will have at that time. This will include using shamanic journeying to heal Ancestral/Family lines in the Weaving Ancestral Threads evening workshop on 15th May. More details to follow later in the month.

I leave you with Lee's forecast - please copy the following link into your browser -

With love

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