Sunday 7 October 2012

Purple Primrose October 2012 News

Dear Friends,
Autumn is now upon us and 2012 is slipping away before our eyes. This update is short this month with
just a couple of events to report. I have been requested to run another Munay Ki Foundation ceremony. It
will most likely be the last Foundation Rite Ceremony that I run this year. If you feel drawn to this transformational exeperience it
would be lovely to have you as part of this.

The ceremony coincides with the New Moon on 15th October, a perfect time for new beginnings/ planting
new seeds. The Munay Ki is a transformational and experiential journey, starting this as we head towards
winter hibernation and the process of going inwards, this is a perfect opportunity. For further details please
follow the link to my website at the bottom of the page

Munay Ki Foundation Rites - Monday 15th October - 5.30-10.30pm 
Location: Garnethill, Glasgow
For further details please follow the link to my website at the bottom of the page

Awakening the Illuminated Heart
My dear friend Irene Viglia will be coming to Glasgow to teach Drunvalo Melchiezedek's Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop on
18-21 October, 9am -7pm each day. Spaces are filling up fast. If you are interested please follow the link to Irene's site

Triple Helix Energy Healing Workshops
Some of you have expressed an interest in attending my Triple Helix workshops. There is limited time before the end of the year that I
can run these, however, if there is enough interest then I will do my best to make it happen for you. Please let me know whether you would be interested in attending a Triple Helix - Energy Transformation Tools for You and/or Triple Helix - Know your energy systems to create balance and harmony in your life workshop. It is most likely that due to my availability the workshops will be run in the evening.

Finally as usual I am attaching the link to lee Harris' Blogspot for the October Energy Report.

Wishing you all love, peace and happiness
Tiffany. XxX


Live Well, Love Much, Laugh Often