Thursday 8 March 2012

Weaving Ancestral Threads workshop - 15th May 2012 - 6-9pm in Glasgow

In our modern Western world many if us have lost the connection to our ancestors. In the indigenous world the ancestors are honoured and revered and their teachings are used to the benefit of the community. The disconnection we experience can result in lost sense of identity, frustration and can lead to illness or dis-ease. It is our responsibility, in a time of greater human consciousness, to heal our ancestral lines for the benefit of the 7 generations behind and 7 generations forward.

This workshop will help you to connect with your most immediate ancestors and to bring balance and healing to your family lines. We will seek information through your grandparents. We will weave your family lines into balance, creating a spun cord with intention and prayer. This action can bring about healing where one family line has dominated over the others, or where one has been unrecognised for its part in our personal make up.
Do not be concerned if you have lost touch with your family lines. This does not prevent you from doing this work. The information that you need will come from Spirit.

NB- Shamanic Journeying experience is preferable prior to taking part in this workshop in order for you to gain the maximum benefit. If you would like to take part but do not have journeying experience then please contact me and I can arrange a session beforehand or alternatively attend one of my Introduction to Shamanic Journeying workshops

Tuesday 6 March 2012

New Series of Munay Ki Ceremonies

9th April - Foundation Rites 6 - 10pm
This is an evening ceremony to receive the Foundation Rites of the Munay Ki. The cost is by donation forthose wishing to just receive the Rites (suggested amount £20 or what you can afford) . Please confirming your interest by messaging me your email address and telephone number. Maximum of 6 people

8th May - Lineage Rites 6 - 10pm
This is an evening ceremony to receive the Lineage Rites of the Munay Ki it is preferable that you have received the Foundation Rites to attend this ceremony. The cost is by donation forthose wishing to just receive the Rites (suggested amount £20 or what you can afford) . Please confirming your interest by messaging me your email address and telephone number. Maximum of 6 people

5th June - Rites to Come 6 - 10pm
This is an evening ceremony to receive the Rites to come of the Munay Ki. it is preferable that you have received the Foundation and Lineage Rites before attending this ceremony.The cost is by donation forthose wishing to just receive the Rites (suggested amount £20 or what you can afford) . Please confirming your interest by messaging me your email address and telephone number. Maximum of 6 people