Friday 1 June 2012

June 2012 - Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Venus Transit

Here is some important information relating to forthcoming planetary events which I have gathered from The Children of the Sun Foundation and other sources. These are not my words but I share them with you as I believe in their truth.
With love Tiffany
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse/Venus Transit
The remarkable astronomical transits of May continue into the month of June with the historic Venus Transit traveling across the face of the Sun. This will be preceded by a Lunar Eclipse. The partially eclipsed Full Moon forms a mutable T-square involving the Sun, Venus and Mars, giving great opportunity to heal gender issues and relationships of every type.
Days immediately following the Lunar Eclipse, June 5-6, we will experience a rare and spectacular event known as the Venus Transit. This is essentially an eclipse, however, instead of the moon coming between the Earth and the Sun it is the planet Venus. As the basis of the Mayan "Long Count Calendar", the Venus Transit is regarded by many as the celestial signal that the "Great Transformation of the Closing of the Cycle" has begun. 
In order to get a perspective on the Venus transit, I think we need to get a better understanding of what the symbol of Venus represents. Once we know 'who she is' then we can go onto 'how she moves' and lastly but most important what is 'she doing now'. Venus is the brightest object in our sky, next to the Sun and the Moon. The other point of good correlation between the 'image of Venus' and the 'reality of Venus' is that she may be the Goddess of Love but she is never weak She nurtures life, is the key to Love, the golden mean, and going hyper-dimensional.  So now let's see how she is doing now.
Aphrodite, Venus, Ishtar, Astarte, Sif,  Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli (lord of the house of Dawns), and the Maya: Kukulcan, all names of Venus, will cross in front of the sun on June 5/6th. This is what is called the transit of Venus.
There are two eclipses preceding the Venus Transit, a Solar Eclipse which just occurred on the 20th of May and a partial Lunar Eclipse two days before Venus passes between the Earth and Sun on 4th June. I would rate this sequence of events the most significant astrological event of 2012. As the blended radiations of the Sun and Venus make their way into the Earth's electromagnetic field, it weaves the energies of illuminating love and unity into mass consciousness. This is a profound catapulting force and opportunity for mass healing, transcendance of 3d sexual attitudes and the integration of gender polarities.
The rare phenomenon of Venus between the Sun and the Earth is not without consequence psychologically. The Transit of Venus always occurs in two sequences. The first to held on June 8, 2004 and the second will occur on June 6, 2012. Previous Venus transit took place on December 9, 1874 to close the loop on December 6, 1882, and the following will take place 11 December 2117 then of 8 December 2125. Each "transit of Venus" highlights transformative change featuring a relational issue of order asking to reflect on the consequences and conscious work on disorders.
Through the influence of the culminating cycle of the Venus Transit, together with these incoming stellar light frequencies, we are being greatly assisted, energetically and structurally, to reunite with our wholeness as an Androgynous Being in union with our Source of Life.

It is from this reintegrated wholeness that we are able to interpret information from the levels of Omnipresence Oneness in a manner that will raise us collectively into infinitely powerful and incredibly loving beings of tremendous wisdom. As we incorporate this new programming, we will operate more deeply and confidently from a balanced and magnificent mantle of Cosmic Love, Cosmic Wisdom and Cosmic Power.  
We simultaneously give great service to Mother Earth, our galaxy and the entire universe. Through our willingness to completely remove the holographic imprint of separation from our own personal vehicles, we help to transmute gender division and its distortions from the macro levels including war and conflict, hatred, victimhood, suppression, control and sexual abuse; to name a few. 

We are revealing a completely new way of relating in which each person operates as a sovereign entity, fully balanced and centered from within. This attitude of conscious living serves as a precursor to the emergence of sacred relationships with any and all others who are also operating from this high level attunement.    

Transcending "Personality Love"

Through these celestial alignments in May-June, 2012, we are greatly supported by the surging forces of incomprehensible Love from the Galactic Center. 
These omnipotent cohesive forces are spawning a transformative process of the desire nature, or conditional love from the personality nature, linking us up with the greater magnetism of the love aspect on the buddhic plane, the plane of unity. 

Transcending Sexual Desire and Control Patterns 

It is during this phase that many of us may now transcend physical sexual desire and any related dysfunction. This especially concerns the force which brings about the physical merging as a result of our responses to the body's animal nature. These are acts of sexual sensory pleasure, self-oriented sexual control, sexual abuse and imbalanced emotional patterns as a result of the sexual identity and appetite.  

This is not to say that celibacy is required for ascension. It is the addiction to sexual relating as a pleasure seeking desire or as a barrier to self love that is to be examined.  It is the qualifying intention that determines the vibration of the sexual intimacy. 

Both sexes strongly identify with the sexual centers, the genitals, which becomes the primary driving force behind existence. We are conditioned to believe in the need to express ourselves from our gender identification and sexuality for pleasure. This is another great illusion of our attachment to the senses. 

Many of us are still embarrassed or carry self worth issues around our bodies and especially in our nakedness to others. Our egos have caused us to judge ourselves and others based on the size and function of our sexual centers and the overall sexual desirability of our bodies. As a result, we criticize the perfection of God's Design. 

Here are some key questions that we may ask ourselves...
·  Are you the master of your sexuality...or is it the master of you?            
·  Does your sexuality serve a selfish purpose or a selfless purpose? 
·  Does the flow of your sexuality serve the lower self... or the Higher Self? In other words... does your sexuality serve love and intimacy or just materialistic animal pleasure?
·  Is your sexuality being used for the raising of your kundalini and brain illumination or just for a second chakra release? 
·  Do you feel embarrassed or ugly to be naked in front of others? 
·  Do you judge your body's genitals or your ability to engage in sexual intimacy?

·         Sexuality was created by God as an act of procreation and designed to be enjoyed as a communication device within the service of love. When used in service of the Higher Self, it becomes a most sacred consecration. 
As we expand beyond our physical senses, we begin to experience the infinite bliss that is available to us through our connection to God. New meanings of intimacy will emerge as we embody more and more light and our sexuality transitions to the pure embrace of energetic union and rapture with all beings and realms of dimension.

Once we transcend the pull of the lower chakras and become the master of our three-fold personality (the physical, emotional, mental), these chakras fold up into our heart center and we become radiators of unconditional Love. Sexuality and pro-creation occurs through the divine impulse of pure thought and Divine Love as union with God Source.

·         Transmuting the Distorted Sexual Imprint
·         We are ready to transmute and transcend the misuse of sexuality as a power base in the old paradigm for both males and females.

Women, in particular, have been carrying the record of sexual trauma and abuse for a long time, sustaining the imbalance of gendered energies on the Earth.
·         Transcending Gender Polarity and Identification    
·         For contemplation...
·         The Law of Gender embodies the truth that gender is manifested in everything. The masculine and feminine is ever at work on all planes of causation. On the higher planes, gender expresses through higher forms of manifestation. This law works in the direction of generation, regeneration, and creation. All life forms contain the two elements of gender - masculine and feminine. 
·         - On the great physical plane, the sexes of all species are manifested as male and female and they each play their role in sexual reproduction.
·         - On the great mental plane, gender manifests as masculine and feminine energies that exist within each and every person. Every male has its female element, and every female has its male element.
·         - On the great spiritual plane, gender manifests as the Father-Mother principle of the Infinite Omnipresent God in whose mind the universe is conceived and firmly held. It is written, "We all live, move, and have our being within God".  
·         In the Earth ascension process, the human personality achieves the merger of God, and the self is seen as neither male or female, but as one blended whole.

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